
5 tips to make your company page looks like a pro

5 tips to make your company page looks like a pro

Our advice

Before starting, you need to review and solve the obvious issues: "a good profile picture", we recommend to use your logo; "a cover photo" specially designed for this purpose aligned with the content strategy.

Once you have this resolved we recommend you implement the following:

1) Give to visitors a reason to become your fan

Richard Krueger, Facebook co-author of Marketing for Dummies, said: "Having a clear call to action, such as a CTA offering a coupon, a discount, entry to a contest, a free trial or even, information on the value, can serve as a vehicle to attract it and turn it into a fan of value ".

2) Find your subject and your vocabulary

Daniel Sundin, community administrator of PETCO says: "The people who follow your brand on Facebook, expect your messages to be related to your brand-added-value or the industry."
Maintaining the focus may seem to limit, especially if you are the one that elaborates the messages every day, as a creative touch-up and tries to maintain the focus in an original and novel way.

Some proposals are:

Write about a current event and the relationship with your brand or the industry.
Search and share an entertaining video on YouTube that relates in some way to your brand or industry.
Ask your audience to ask questions, upload pictures or share stories about your brand on your wall.
Update and republish the content that has had the best reception from your fans.

3) Ask the Right Questions

Amy Porterfield, co-author of Facebook Marketing All-In-One for Dummies says: "One of the best ways to reach your fans on Facebook is to ask interesting and entertaining questions, but did you know that there is a right way? What is the right question on Facebook? When we did that well, we can increase the participation of the fans and build good relationships."

The trick is to ask questions that are easy to answer. Questions that require only answers. Remember, people LOVE to talk about themselves, just as when you do the same for them, they are more likely to jump into the conversation.

4) Include images in your Facebook updates

Guy Kawasaki, author of Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions says: "Twitter is an economy based on links or links, while Facebook is an image-based economy, so almost all updates. There is no success if you use a bad image"

5) Measure your Facebook marketing goals

Measure your marketing efforts on Facebook. It is important to measure reach people, fans, conversions, clicks, activity, retention, loyalty, but above all, the "conversion rates".

A digital marketing strategy has to focus on converting visits to potential customers, Facebook doesn't need help in traffic or conversion, your company does. Always raise a strategy to send traffic to your website, where you can turn it into a lead and potentially a client. Remember, "If it will not bring you money, don't do it"